プロジェクト発信型英語プログラム〈Project-based English Program〉

Skill Workshops (SW)

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  • Skill Workshops (SW)


“Skill Workshops”are aimed at improving the four integrated-skills of English, which are listening, speaking, reading and writing. Similar to“project classes”, students are strongly encouraged to communicate in English with their English-speaking teachers and other students in class. Classes are streamed based on students’English proficiency, and they are expected to develop their four skills through interactive tasks where they make best use of their knowledge of grammar, vocabulary and phrases learned in junior and high school. These skills will be utilized in Project classes for exchanging information, expressing opinions, giving presentations and writing academic papers.
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In the classes where the focus is on improving listening skills, students will get used to the sound patterns of English discourse. Through interactive tasks which integrate the four skills of speaking, reading and writing classes, the goal is to strengthen students’ listening abilities.


This class aims to improve speaking skills in English through the interactive tasks called “Leadership Method.” Students discuss information gathered from listening and reading activities, and summarize it in writing.


This class aims to improve reading skills in English. Students read more than two news articles both in and out of the class, including a homework assignment, every week. The tasks also include speaking, listening and writing on the reading articles.

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This class aims to improve writing skills in English. Students write extensively both in and out of the classroom. Their writing skills improve since they have their texts corrected by their teachers. Similar to the previous classes, the four skills of English are integrated into the tasks in which students write about what they have read and listened to, and they talk about them in class.

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