プロジェクト発信型英語プログラム〈Project-based English Program〉

PEPの概要〈Overview of PEP〉

立命館大学 生命科学部、薬学部、スポーツ健康学部、総合心理学部では、各分野に欠かせない英語発信能力の強化を目指し、当該学部生に対する必修科目として「プロジェクト発信型英語プログラム」(Project-based English Program: PEP)を導入しています。

カリキュラムは、研究成果を英語で発表する「Projects」と英語4技能の基礎力を高める「Skill Workshops」の二本柱で成り立っており、成果検証にはTOEFLテスト、TOEICテストなどを活用する他、独自評価モデルの策定を試みています。

In the departments of Life Sciences, Applied Chemistry, Pharmacy, Sport and Health Science, Psychology The Project-based English Program (PEP) is provided as a required course for students in each of the courses. In this program, students are expected to develop strong, productive English skills.

The course is comprised of strands which aim to develop students abilities to present the results in English (named “Projects”) and to enhance their four skills of English (named Skill Workshops). To evaluate changes in English ability, the TOEFL and TOEIC tests are used, and we are also developing a model of self-evaluation rubric for our program.

ライフサイエンスの分野をはじめ、各学問分野は現在、国際共同研究も盛んに実施され、日本国内の学会ですら英語で発表を行うことが多くなってきました。いわゆる学問領域のグローバル化に合わせ、立命館大学生命科学部、薬学部、スポーツ健康学部、総合心理学部では、これらの分野で活躍するために欠かせない英語 発信能力を鍛える「プロジェクト発信型英語プログラム(PEP)」を、共通の必修カリキュラムとして導入しています。

各学問分野の先端的研 究をプロジェクトのテーマとし、世界中から情報を集め、議論し、その成果を英語で世界に発信する能力、すなわちグローバル・コミュニケーション能力の基礎 を育成することが、同プログラムの狙いです。2008年度以降の各学部の新設にあたり、それぞれの学部の目標としてグローバルに活躍できる人材の育成が掲 げられ、英語教育もこれに応える必要がありました。内容がたとえどれだけ優れていても、それを英語で説得的に伝えられなければいかなる分野でも活躍できません。グローバル時代において英語発信能力の強化は必要不可欠といえます。


All departments, including Life Sciences, are actively engaged in international collaborative research. Even at research conferences in Japan, it is common for English to be used in presentations. Joining each globalized academic discipline, in the Ritsumeikan departments of Life Sciences, Applied Chemistry, Pharmacy, Sport and Health Science, Psychology, students can train themselves in the essential skills of productive English (“PEP”), which are offered as a common required curriculum.

It is also the aim of the PEP program to train students how to gather information from around the world, discuss it, and talk about it in global venues in English. In other words, the program is aimed at training the basics of communicative ability for global communication. Since the launch of each department in 2008, and the raising of the goal of each department to educate students who can act on the global stage, the English education program is required to match this ambition. However good the content is, if it cannot be expressed convincingly in English, students cannot fully take part in their fields. In short, productive English skills in the global era are indispensable.

In PEP lessons, students pursue issues they are personally interested in, and discuss them in English. Lessons are set up so that they can progressively acquire the skills to participate in global activities using English expertly.

「プロジェクト発信型英語プログラム(PEP)」は、学生が自分のテーマを研究し、その内容を英語で発信する「Projects」と、習熟度別のクラスで英語の基礎能力や運用スキルを磨く「Skill Workshops」の二本柱で構成されています。「Projects」で発信力を高める必要性を実感し、「Skill Workshops」で基礎スキルを強化して、そのスキルを再び「Projects」で生かすといった立体的なプログラムが相乗効果を生んでいます。

また、最近は研究論文の内容を研究者が自ら動画でプレゼンテーションする場合もあることから、プログラムの中でも、ICT (Information and Communication Technology)を積極的に活用しています。学生が自ら選んだテーマを徹底的に追究する“場をつくる”ことで、自律的な学習を促しています。

  • Projects
    • 学生自らがテーマを設定し、リサーチを通して自分の考えを探究、発信。
    •  1・2回生は日常生活や授業など身近なテーマによる発表やディベート、パネル・ディスカッションなどを行う。2回生の後期には2,000語程度のタームペーパーを作成する。
    • 3回生は専門分野から選択したテーマについて英語で学び、ポスターセッションを行う。(生命科学部・薬学部)
    • 4回生(希望者)は卒業論文の英語概要を作成し、口頭発表。(生命科学部・薬学部)
  • Skill Workshops
    • 英語の基礎となる「聞く」「話す」「読む」「書く」の4技能の習得に特化したクラス。
    • Projectsと対応させる形で半期ごとに4技能に焦点を当てたインタラクティブな授業で、基礎力や運用能力を効果的にブラッシュアップ。
    • 1回生はTOEFL-ITP、2回生は1回生の12月に実施するTOEICテストの結果等を基に習熟度別クラスを編成。

The PEP program consists of two components: students research their own themes and talk about them in English (“Projects”), and they also work on improving their basic English skills and use in proficiency-streamed classes (“Skill Workshops”). The “Projects” component lets students appreciate the necessity of improving their productive ability, while the “Skills Workshops” reinforces basic skills,

Nowadays, researchers present the contents of their own research papers through videos, and for this reason, we actively utilize ICT (Information and Communication Technology) in our programs. We encourage autonomous learning by creating “spaces” where students can dedicate themselves to pursuing their themes.

  • Projects
    • Students decide their research themes by themselves, exploring and sharing their ideas.
    • 1st and 2nd -year students do presentations, debates, panel-discussions and so on on familiar themes such as their daily life and classes. In the second term of the second year, students work on term papers of about 2,000 words in length.
    • 3rd-year students work on themes related to their specialist fields in English and conduct poster presentations.
    • 4th-year students (for those who wish to) write an English summary of their graduation thesis and give an oral presentation.
  • Skill Workshops
    • Classes with the goal of students acquiring the four skills of “listening”, “talking”, “reading” and “writing”, which are the basis of English.
    • These are interactive classes focusing on the 4 skills each semester, and they are set up in a way so as to interface with Projects. These allow students to effectively polish their key skills and practical ability.
    • First-year students take tests called TOEFL-ITP and e-TAC. Second-year students are streamed into proficiency levels based on the results of the TOEIC test conducted in the December of their first year.



There are two reasons to improve students’ fours skills in this program. One is that through a unified curriculum, students can create essential motivation for researching and communicating about what they are interested in. Another is that for all undergraduate students taking lessons in this program, supported by the executive committee, which has final responsibility for English education, not only faculty, but all enrolled strengthen their English programs.

By introducing this program as a required program for all undergraduates, even those who feel negatively about English can develop motivation from one’s peers. Further, by closely collaborating with specialized teachers, we aim for English education that links in closely with specialist academic fields. Through this PEP program, now and in the future, we will develop constant improvements to our program to build the foundation of English ability and to train the ability of students to be able to refine their four skills by themselves after graduation.